Logic? We don't need no stinkin' logic! (was: Re: FC4 or FC5)

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at webtrek.com
Fri Jun 23 18:46:26 UTC 2006

jdow wrote:

> And it's not even that simple, Les. The GPL faq apparently declares
> that if you static link or even dynamic link then your code must be
> under GPL but if you can link over a socket then your code is clear.
> There seems to be an attempt to draw a line here where there really
> should be no line. Either I can use their code or I cannot. The
> manner in which I use their code should not matter in any logical
> world.

	GPL -> FSF -> RMS

	Since when did RMS live in a logical world?

	FWLIW, we (the entire software industry) need RMS around to hold down
one side of the world.  We have plenty of people and companies holding
down the other side (DRM anyone?) so there has to be a balance
somewhere.  My feelings for the GPL are less than evangelical acceptance
but it would be a far sight better for the GPL to rule the world than
for any DRM to.  Hopefully those vehemently against the GPL are also
equally vehement against the RIAA, MPAA, Apple, Microsoft, etc.


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