FC and Spam

Randy Vice damocles at thenostromo.com
Wed Jun 28 10:48:27 UTC 2006

Is there a specific reason why FC is not setup, by default, with some sort 
of spam control that is preconfigured?  FC does a pretty good job of 
making sure IPtables is included in the install (which is a good thing 
<tm>) and active on at boot, why can't the same be done for spam 
control?  It's probably a PITA to setup for default installs, but that is 
why I love FC, most of the PITA work is done for me. :)


: damocles at TheNostromo.com : Bruce Morrow, a man before and after his time :
: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood  :
: of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson 11-13-1787    "Let's roll." :
: Todd Beamer, American Patriot onboard United Airlines Flight 93 9-11-01  :
:  damocles at thenostromo.com                   http://www.thenostromo.com/  :

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