Timed and automatic login not longer automatic

Eric Brunson brunson at brunson.com
Sun Jun 11 16:02:55 UTC 2006

oldman wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Eric Brunson wrote:
>>> If this was intentional, then I'm totally against it.  I know they
>>> requirements for my systems and I don't like people taking options away.
>> I cast my vote for "that sucks and whoever decided on it is a jackass".
> 	I know what you mean, it really should be an option, as there is no
> data worth any protection on my system.  
Exactly.  What about Kiosk applications?  What about the laptop I built 
for my 72yo grandmother?  I have it set to boot and autologin, then 
start firefox and thunderbird automatically.  All she wants to do is 
read her email and go to the occasional website, the decision on whether 
she needs to enter a password to login should be mine.  Breaking the 
autologin option was a bad design choice.
> Then again I only reboot when I
> absolutely have to so I'll only be affected once or twice a month.

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