From release notes for FC5T3 (web)

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Mon Mar 6 09:56:43 UTC 2006

Jeff Vian wrote:

>I would agree on the wish for an option to select a group and expect all
>within it to be installed.  As examples, mysql and postresql would be
>nice for that. With FC4 less than half the individual packages for those
>groups were installed by default and it was time consuming to do the
>full groups.  However, IIRC the installer has never allowed selecting an
>entire group with a single check mark.  Groups can be installed in
>entirety from the command line with yum.
Both Anaconda and Pirut allows groups of packages to be installed. 
Optional components arent selected within the groups by default but the 
major packages including MySQL and PostgreSQL is selected within the 
group usually.


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