Reducing the size of Desktop ICONs using GNOME?

Jim Cornette fc-cornette at
Thu Mar 9 01:36:26 UTC 2006

The ICON size for my desktop is too large for my tastes. My laptop is 
set to its maximum resolution 1024x768.
How can one change the ICON view to a smaller scale?

I opened up the configuration editor and could not edit because of some 
<schema> entry in /desktop/gnome/interface/toolbar_icon_size

I want to change the size of /desktop/gnome/interface/desktop_icon_size 
if at all possible.

With higher resolutions such as 1280x1024 the size of ICONs on another 
computer is right for my preferences.

Are there any themes, config files or anything else that can scale the 
desktop ICONs?


<mao> why do they insist on ading -Werror...
<Misty-chan> Mesa would not compile out of the box if it were done by 
you guys ;)
<knghtbrd> Uh, Mesa DOESN'T compile out of the box most of the time

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