BitTorrent not slow, but users are clueless

Christofer C. Bell christofer.c.bell at
Tue Mar 21 21:42:04 UTC 2006

On 3/21/06, alan <alan at> wrote:
> I have been using BitTorrent quite a bit and I have seen pretty iffy
> performance downloading FC5.
> I am using the correct ports, my firewall handles it fine, and my ISP does
> not block.  Other downloads have not been a problem since the last router
> upgrade.
> Something else is going on here.

When many download from few, performance will suffer.  Bittorrent is
"many from many" but only after material has "been in circulation" for
awhile.  I'm pretty convinced that folks complaining about BT
performance in the few hours after FC5 release are simply drawing
attention to their own ignorance.


"I trust the Democrats to take away my money, which I can afford.  I
trust the Republicans to take away my freedom, which I cannot."

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