Unexplained network activity

Tony Nelson tonynelson at georgeanelson.com
Wed Mar 22 17:31:16 UTC 2006

At 8:15 PM -0800 3/21/06, David J. Bakeman wrote:
>Mike Klinke wrote:
>>On Tuesday 21 March 2006 17:49, David J. Bakeman wrote:
>>>Both ethereal and tcpdump show nothing when I think I'n doing
>>>nothing even though the gnome system monitor displays >60%
>>>usage(Both ethereal and tcpdump do show something when I'm
>>>reading email, accessing the web, etc)?  Who do I believe?
>>If you're referring to the resource monitor percentage display, I'm
>>guessing both.   Gnome-system-monitor monitors much besides just
>>the network traffic that tcpdump and ethereal monitor.  Try running
>>"top" at a command prompt to see which processes are taking up your
>>processor time.
>Actually I'm referring to the network portion of the panel display.
>Though the Network History in the resources tab of the system monitor
>window agrees.
>The worrisome thing to me is that it drops back to zero after I do
>something like loading a web page then a little while later it ramps up
>again.  Though tcpdump shows nothing.  I hope it's the gnome system
>monitor.  I've verified the tcpdump and ps rpm packages so unless my rpm
>db is corrupt they should be showing me the correct stuff.

Could it be loopback data?  Perhaps some program (Beagle?) is sending data
around via the loopback interface when it thinks the system is idle.
TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson at georgeanelson.com>
      '                              <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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