fc5 X performance is a mess!

Boris Glawe boris at boris-glawe.de
Sun Mar 26 13:08:22 UTC 2006

>Do you by chance have beagled running?  Although I have not experienced
>it, I have seen messages that beagle can cause similar conditions.

No I don't.

>It is not gnome, but rather something else that triggers this behavior
>under certain conditions as you yourself said above.  It is
>intermittent, sometimes fast and other times dog slow. 

I have seen, that there are dozens of language extensions installed in 
firefox.  I have sometimes tried some extensions, that slowed down 
firefox very much. But usually this could be solved by uninstalling or 
deactivating the extension. It also was firefox that consumed more CPU 
then. In this case it's the X-Server and not firefox, that needs the 
more CPU time.

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