slow FC4 to FC5 upgrade

Paul Howarth paul at
Fri Mar 31 13:51:05 UTC 2006

Henry Hartley wrote:
> Henry Hartley wrote:
>>> Henry Hartley wrote:
>>>> Well, on my (very old and slow) pentium 200, I'm into my second
>>>> day and it's working on disc 2.  Remaining time is currently
>>>> estimated as 11,985 minutes (over 8 days).
>>>> For the record, I did NOT include ide=nodma when I started this.
>>> At 4:00 (3.5 hours later) I was asked for disc 3 and the estimated
>>> time remaining was down to a "reasonable" 3,235 minutes.  At 4:15 I
>>> got an error saying it could not read
>>> xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-100dpi-7.0-3.noarch.rpm and I get one
>>> option - [Reboot].  No choice to skip that package or to replace
>>> the CD and try again.  Just reboot.  Sweet.
> I took out CD number 3 and rebooted.  The system started up and appears
> to be FC5 but of course, I know that there are a significant number of
> un-updated packages.  I checked the yum repositories and they seem to be
> right so I ran yum update.  After a fairly lengthy time of going through
> all the packages that were to updated, if finally died after complaining
> that three packages required older versions of things that were to be
> updated.  These were iiimf-qt, iiimf-le-sum-thai, and lvm2-cluster.  I
> guessed that I could do without those so I "yum removed" them.  That
> went fine.
> Now, a yum update goes through, finds 981 packages to update and runs
> the transaction test.  Unfortunately, it ends with an error:
> memory alloc (4 bytes) returned NULL
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Is your swap space turned on?


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