FC5 Released ?

Pedro Fernandes Macedo webmaster at margo.bijoux.nom.br
Sun Mar 19 16:11:10 UTC 2006

Paul Howarth wrote:
> Torrents will be available from http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/ as
> usual, but not until the official release date/time.
> The ISOs in this thread are almost certainly genuine as they have to be
> released to the mirrors in time for them to be available for the
> official release date/time. The mirrors *should* be doing access control
> on them though, to prevent this sort of leakage.
They're certainly doing some sort of ACL, but some mirrors have 
permissions on the directories that wont allow directory listing, but if 
you know the exact path and filename, you can grab the files. I've found 
3 mirrors with x86_64 and 7 with i386 in such situation.

Pedro Macedo

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