Can scp be used to update a directory?

James Wilkinson fedora at
Wed Mar 22 17:32:31 UTC 2006

Anne Wilson wrote:
> Side issue, James.  Are you having any problems displaying accented letters?  
> I have language=British English, and character set=utf8.  When I should see 
> an accented letter I get a double space instead.

Not usually, no. But it sounds as though you've got problems with part
of your computing environment using UTF8 and part of it using ISO 8859
variants. UTF8 is undoubtedly superior, but the transition period is a
bit sticky...

Can you open a shell and type
echo $LANG
It should return
which should confirm your settings.

And you'd probably better check /etc/sysconfig/i18n, too.

With this set up, you should be good to enter and save accented letters.
You should also be able to receive (properly formatted) e-mails with
accents in, since the e-mails should contain headers describing the
encoding used.

So, for example, уоυ ѕhουld ье аьlе to read that (with any luck, and a
good font) even though it contains quite a few Greek and Cyrillic
letters, because this message will have a header saying that it's
encoded in UTF8.

The problem comes when you have text files that come from non-UTF8
systems, or filenames from non-UTF8 systems, or applications which don't
understand UTF8. If you're seeing double spaces, then you're probably
seeing UTF8 data displayed in a non-UTF8 program (or system).

In which case, it would be helpful to know precisely which program or
system that is, so we can recommend better settings.

Hope this helps,

E-mail address: james | Banana in disk drive error  | 

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