[Java] Development Kit Issues

Neil Cherry ncherry at comcast.net
Mon Mar 27 16:46:27 UTC 2006

Jeff Mutonho wrote:
> On 3/27/06, Ali Helmy <alihelmy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> ok, so i exported the path with
>> export JAVA_HOME=/home/ahelmy/jdk1.5.0
>> then i checked which jar, it said
>> /usr/bin/jar which is a link that points to /usr/java/jdk1.5/bin/jar which
>> is the correct path
>> so then i remade the file using jar -cf, but the bloody bastard
>> (MANIFEST.mf) still says Created-By: 0.92-gcc
>> WTF should i do now?
> Why don't you just kill (remove)  /usr/bin/jar and then do
> export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin as already suggest .Do you really
> need the /usr/bin/jar syslink?

Whenever I need to replace system commands on a system where I have
little control of the binaries (not really the case here) I simply
adjust the path by prepending the directory of the commands to the
PATH variable. While not the greatest solution it does allow me
to test my theory first before making major changes. I've even
been known to use shell script to manipulate the arguments (such
as making it look like I added host names to the hosts file when
they were really just a local file I'd grep).

Linux Home Automation         Neil Cherry       ncherry at linuxha.com
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