PAM Recipe to Authenticate on Either the User's Password or Root's Password

Schlaegel 777tahder at
Sat May 13 06:07:54 UTC 2006

On 5/12/06, Ed Greshko <Ed.Greshko at> wrote:
> Looking in the sudoers file I see....
> # Uncomment to allow people in group wheel to run all commands
> # %wheel        ALL=(ALL)       ALL
> # Same thing without a password
> # %wheel        ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL
> Is that the sort of thing you want?  It is a bit early, and I was out a
> bit late, to fully engage cranial functions.

I would like to have `sudo` check the password against both the target
user and the current user. `sudo` defaults to checking it against the
current user and has a 'targetpw' option to check it against the
target user INSTEAD. I would like it to check both users, and if
either matches then consider it a match.

So, so far your excerpts don't help, but I appreciate the effort.

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