FC5 xorg and dual head

Chris Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Sun May 14 14:55:13 UTC 2006

>     The failure in FC4 is that they didn't install libstdc++.so.5 which
> is required for Thunderbird and Firefox. I found you can yum install
> that lib and both will work fine on FC4. They got it right on FC5.

There is no failure on FC's part.

FC is a bleeding edge distro. This has ALWAYS been stated and if you are 
unaware of this, you should have read the release notes. 

FC5 uses by default a NEWER version of  libstdc++.  If you install (through 
the correct update/installation channels, i.e. yum/pup/pirut) some 
application (such as thunderbird/firefox) which requires an older version of  
libstdc++, then yum/pup/pirut will(or perhaps should) resolve the 
dependencies for you and install the older compat libraries that are need.

If, as I suspect in your case, you disregard the release notes and install 
things differently (such as using mozilla's own installation tools or you 
wish to install a package for which there is no rpm and you are forced to 
build from source), then you have to resolve these dependencies yourself. 
This is obvious and you cannot complain. If you fail to do so the fault is 
yours not FC's


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