setting a password less ssh connection

David Fletcher fc at
Wed May 24 11:21:48 UTC 2006

At 10:58 24/05/2006, you wrote:

>I would echo this loudly. Passphraseless keys, or worse still
>passwordless login should really be avoided. The most elegant solution
>is to use ssh-agent and ssh-add as managed by the keychain script
>which is available from Extras (yum install keychain).

I did ssh-keygen with an empty passphrase, specifically so that I 
could place the public key on a target machine (the one with a DAT 
backup drive) then set up something like

sudo <ordinary user> scp ~/my/backup/files <ordinary 

as part of a script which is run as a cron job in the middle of the night.

Dave Fletcher

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