Open Letter: How the FOSS Community May Help Disabled Users

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Mon May 1 14:58:24 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 17:26, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> > I think you are missing the point.  If someone wants Linux to
> > be able to compete against commercial software then it has to
> > compete on the acceptability and political correctness fronts
> > as well.  I realize a lot of people don't care one way or the
> > other and in the free software world market share doesn't matter
> > but at least they should recognize that the issue exists.  That
> > is, commercial software and the people promoting it do make
> > concessions to satisfy the potential customers.
> >
> How about those of us firmly against such pandering?

You'll probably never make a living in the marketing business.

> > > You are free to reply with the terms you prefer, just as Marco is free
> > > to use the phrases he wishes.
> >
> > And the potential users are free to avoid dealing with people using
> > phrases they dislike and the products they handle.
> >
> And I just don't see the problem with that.

Do you pay taxes?  Do you enjoying paying for the schools and
agencies you support to use commercial software for no other
reason than that it has better marketing?  And, don't you think
there is a 'critical mass' effect in open source software where
the more it is used the more it will be improved by the new
people exposed to it? 

  Les Mikesell
   lesmikesell at

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