KDE 3.5.5 in FC5 - resolved issues

Mike Cohler mike.cohler at gmail.com
Wed Nov 1 09:52:52 UTC 2006

On several machine running FC5 after the update to KDE 3.5.5 there was
a great deal of difficulty with the screen and mouse. The windows kept
flashing and there was up to 100% cpu usage and there was difficulty
maintaining control over what was happening.  Also the K menu had no
control centre. Eventually I nailed it down - and if you are having
problems with this update then you might want to look at the

1) K menu items missing (maybe you use Crossover Office, or have
edited the menus with kmenuedit - the fix is as follows:
cd ~/.config
mv menus menus.orig

2) The window problem I found is related to the "focus follows mouse"
setting in Control Centre->Desktop->Window Behaviour - select Policy
to be "Click to Focus" and Apply it. This fixed my system.

3) If running Kmail you may find that the Reply to All button on the
main taskbar has disappeared - if you right click the kmail taskbar
and select the main taskbar you can put any button back in and Apply
the settings.

Finally if you made any changes to /etc/X11/xdm/kdmrc then the update
also gave a new file as /etc/X11/xdm/kdmrc.rpmnew which you may want
to check.  Once all the changes have been made it might be an idea to
restart X.


mike cohler

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