DVD Finalization appears to corrupt FC6 installer

Kevin Layer layer at known.net
Thu Nov 2 05:48:48 UTC 2006

Charles Butterfield <charles.butterfield at nextcentury.com> wrote:

>> Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but I burned two DVDs of the FC6
>> installation with finalization and they were both corrupt somehow.  The
>> third DVD, burned from the same downloaded ISO file was burned without
>> finalization and is not corrupt.  Does this make sense?  Is it in some
>> sense obvious?  Anyway, if the finalization truly causes a problem,
>> perhaps this posting will help someone else.

I finalized my DVD (DVD+R) and had no trouble with it.  In any case,
finalizing wouldn't change the bits on the disc, but it might affect
the compatibility between your burner and reader.

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