FC6 update mystery

Goksin Akdeniz goksin.akdeniz at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 14:18:41 UTC 2006

> I have repos for core, extras, updates , development, extras
> development , dries , livna and livna development defined. If the
> dependencies don't come through these repos where the &%$*^ are they
> supposed to come from? Especially when you consider that these are
> updates that the system is offering me .

My experience of FCx from since FC2 and with many other distros, mixing repos 
is a delicate balance.

You'd better not mix all those. I do run Livna, core, extrasa and updates but 
not with atrpms, dries and vice versa is true.

Yum looks for packages installed, latest versions in repos and updates 
(fixes). So when you want to upgrade, use the core, extras, updates and livna 
or the other option is core, updates, extras and other repos.

This is the best so far with my experience. 

Goksin Akdeniz
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