The plus plus

Andy Green andy at
Fri Nov 3 14:46:14 UTC 2006

Joe Klemmer wrote:

> 	I've said this before and I'll say it again.  There's nothing wrong
> with KDE or with GNOME.  They are 99.9% identical in their usability.

No, that is simply not true.  Where is the Gnome kate?  How can I make 
multiple panes in nautilus?  Can I make a konsole inside the nautilus 
frame that retains pwd context?

> quickly resolved.  In today's world, any differences between the two are
> so insignificant as to be purely inconsequential.  If you like KDE then

It is a major consequence for me if I cannot combine the action of 
kate/kwrite with fish://

gedit fish://

Could not open the file fish://
*gedit cannot handle fish: locations.*

To give it its due, gedit can open http:// locations read-only, but I 
can't admin websites with that.  Kate gives me security and convenience. 
  (If there is a way to do the equivalent in Gnome, I will be grateful 
to be educated)

I can sum up the TRUE schism between Gnome and KDE: Gnome hackers know 
C.  KDE hackers know C++.  Over time that holds back Gnome, advances 
KDE, and all the while Redhat ignore it they only damage themselves.


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