Running own mail server

Tom Horsley tomhorsley at
Fri Nov 3 22:18:35 UTC 2006

On Sat, 4 Nov 2006 03:07:05 +1100
Steffen Kluge <kluge at> wrote:

> Switch to postfix right now

I've seen this advice many times, and I find it easy to believe that
postfix is better, having run screaming from sendmail config files
in the past, but when I recently went to read up a bit on postfix,
the very first thing I read on the home page is:

>Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and secure,
>while at the same time being sendmail compatible enough to not
>upset existing users.  

If it is sendmail compatible, doesn't that mean it has the same
config file that can be used to frighten little children?

I'd be far more attracted to postfix if the homepage said it was
in no way remotely similar to sendmail :-).

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