To upgrade or not to upgrade....

James Wilkinson fedora at
Sat Nov 4 15:05:44 UTC 2006

Markku Kolkka wrote:
> Fedora packages don't install anything in /opt, so it will be 
> untouched in an upgrade. 

Unless the files are part of a third-party RPM that is (recorded in the
RPM database as being) dependent on a particular version of a Fedora
Core package. In that case, the upgrade will update the old Fedora Core
package, and try to upgrade the third-party RPMs to a version that *can*
co-exist with the new Core package. If it can't find any upgraded RPMs,
it will remove them, to keep the RPM database consistent.

I don't know what happens if there is a new compat-* version of the old
Core package. I'd like to see it automatically installed to satisfy the

Hope this helps,


E-mail:     james@ | The betting public are on average complete idiots (see | also lotteries for examples) and are uniformly
                   | incompetent at predicting horse racing results. So are
                   | bookies, but they know simple mathematics too, you see.
                   |     -- Dan Holdsworth

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