Why do so many packaged rely on gnome-panel?

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Sat Nov 4 15:57:36 UTC 2006

Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> I just installed FC6 tonight. I chose KDE over Gnome. And I just
> thought to check what exactly was on my system and if I could clean it
> up a bit. During my poking around I realised that 71 packages rely on
> gnome-keyring.
> The name, and the description in the RPM suggest that this a password
> management tool. Removing this would take with it: libs, openoffice,
> koffice, 4 system config tools, 2 out of 3 of my browsers , to sound
> engines and 2 media players to name a few things.
> There are a lot of deps that seem strange to me, I suppose in my ignorance.
> Can anyone shed some light on this?
> Another example would be tat removign gnome-panel cascades into having
> to remove kerry (KDE beagle front end) although beagle seems to be
> sepeated into a daemon and a gui package , and gnome-panel seems to be
> a gui component.
> So instead of filing  a ton og BZs and making a fool of myself, I'm
> asking questions  here.

Yum output?


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