fc6 ssh/rsync 60 second delay

Mike Wright xktnniuymlla at mailinator.com
Mon Nov 6 23:33:42 UTC 2006

Mike Wright wrote:
> Mike McGrath wrote:
>>> Perhaps the real question is, "What has changed that makes the two
>>> versions behave so differently.  fc4 has ssh-4.0 and fc6 has ssh-4.3.
>>> Can that alone explain the difference in behaviors?
>> have you done what we asked?  Even if it doesn't work it'll help us
>> narrow down the issue.
> Yes, I added the hostnames of the remote machines to the fc6 /etc/hosts 
> file, and added "order hosts,bind" to /etc/resolv.conf.  Once those were 
> added to THAT machine it doesn't experience the delays.
> I've been hard at work combing through my dns.  It is the same database 
> I'd been hosting on boxes since rh5.2.  I think it may be related to not 
> having adequate reverses for the 10.in-addr.arpa zones.
> I'll follow through with the results of my tests....

OK.  Was definitely a reverse dns problem.  Walking through the dns 
database found lots of cruft from previous experiments.  Found way too 
many alii and far too few reverses.

It was an odd discovery process.  Went from one machine with a 60 second 
delay to every machine having a ten second delay.  As the last of the 
cruft disappeared so did the delays.

So, this actually looks very good for fc6.  Whichever libraries it now 
uses for checking dns seem to be much more stringent than previous 
versions, and show a definite improvement over earlier versions.

Thanks everybody for helping me out.  You all are great!

Mike Wright :m)

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