on x86_64 both i386 and x86_64 versions firefox installed

Joachim Kunze joachim at resistance.de
Tue Nov 7 19:02:48 UTC 2006

Am Montag, den 06.11.2006, 09:09 -0500 schrieb Tom Horsley:
> > I suspect that firefox.x86_64 gets started though I have'nt
> > quite discovered how yet.
> Firefox is a monumental pain if you try to use both 32 and 64 bit
> versions. The actual /usr/bin/firefox file is a shell script that
> does things like check for the existance of /usr/lib64/firefox*
> and invoke that version if it exists, so there is almost no point
> in having both installed.
> I've got a ridiculous shell script that edits the /usr/bin/firefox
> script to change /lib64 to /libnot64 so it won't find the 64 bit
> versions, then it can run the 32 bit version, but I haven't figured
> out how to subvert the code that finds an already running
> firefox, so you have to have all instances of firefox closed
> before you can start a 32 bit version with hacked up
> firefox script.

I've found a much more convenient way to launch my 32-bit firefox if I
really need it:

you just have to export GRE_PATH ...
So just put 


in a shell script in /home/user ...



Joachim Kunze
Alte Marktstrasse 16    eMail: joachim at resistance.de
D-71665 Horrheim        Tel:   +49 7042-830006

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