auto.smb mounting

Jamie Bohr jamiebohr at
Wed Nov 8 05:07:54 UTC 2006

I am looking for document ion on how to use auto.smb.  I turned it on
through the auto mounter and was able to see remote shares, just not access
them.   I can do "ls /smb/nas" and get a list of shares.  However I can not
access those shares.  I have read the man page for mount.cifs.  It says to
set environment variable called USER and PASSWD.  I have set both.  I am
able to mount via mount -t cifs ...   Is there something I am missing?  I
have googled this and am having a hard time finding information on it.  The
idea is mount the CIFS share as the user who tried to access it.  It would
nice if it works more like NFS in that UIDs would get mapped correctly.

Maybe after I get this working I will change auto.smb to mount shares to
/smb/<hostname>/<user name> for many people can mount the same share but
with their credentials.

Jamie Bohr
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