Install problem on FC6

stomfi stomfi at
Wed Nov 8 10:35:00 UTC 2006

having successfully installed FC5 32bit version on an nVidia AMD 64
motherboard with 1GB and a 5300 video card, I downloaded the FC6
32bit DVD and reinstalled over the FC5 partitions.

It freezes up during the reboot process. the X window starts, goes
for about 5 seconds, then freezes the whole machine. I thought it
might be the xorg nv driver, so set the driver to vesa, but no change.
I can get into the system with Linux Rescue, and even start the X
system by adding a modes line to xorg.conf, but cannot complete the
firstboot restart.

I've looked at the anaconda logs in /var/log/ but these only report
the previous successful install stage info.

I haven't tried reinstalling FC5 and doing an upgrade.

Anyone know how I can/should proceed?

I've been using Linux since the Slackware floppies on a 386, and
know the shell and the admin stuff pretty well as I used non GUI &
GUI UNIX and before that going right back to valve jobs, but this
has got me stymied at present.

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