Nvidia sucks, sucks, sucks !

Thierry Sayegh De Bellis linux at glossolalie.org
Thu Nov 9 20:44:25 UTC 2006

Kim Lux wrote:
ame time as the kernel ?
> So I'd have to teach my mom to make sure to not boot the new kernel for
> a few days and, as a matter of fact, check that the new driver is
> installed before booting it.  In effect, teach her to rpm -q
> kmod-nvidia ?  Yeah, that seems user friendly.

Let's be realistic here, Linux for the masses (of mums) is just a plain
silly concept at the moment. We have a secretary who thinks she has a
black box and a telly in-lieu of a PC so, yeah right!, I will put Linux
on her box and let her drive it....

If your requirements are simple (email, web) you should be able to get
by just fine, otherwise you accept the basic fact that you need to be
technically inclined or willing to be enlightened / learn.

If i think about 1993 when I was installing Linux on a laptop from a
stack of floppies, well I am really impressed with the situation now,
so much *bling* in so little effort.

Ranting and bitching because you are too lazy to be realistic will not
get you anywhere.

Besides Fedora is meant to be "a free operating system that offers the
best combination of stable and cutting-edge software that exists in the
free software world."

Stable is good but there is that "cutting-edge" aspect you need to take
into consideration...I am not a native English speaker but I do
understand the standpoint there ; and you are playing with "testing"
packages so stop throwing your toys out of the pram, grow up and become
an adult. You might even get some fun along the way...

Otherwise go get yourself a nvidia friendly distribution and stop trolling

(o<    Thierry Sayegh de Bellis, RHCE
//\    http://glossolalie.com
V_/_   Fingerprint: F565 3D05 A01F 9948 E4F4 32EA 2C2D 7CB6 6D57 1FD6

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