mplayer, dpms problem

Antonio Olivares olivares14031 at
Thu Nov 9 23:25:34 UTC 2006

Dear all,
  I would like to kindly ask for your advice regarding
an issue with mplayer.  I have the Gnome power control
enabled to blank the screen after 2 minutes. 
Previously, when playing films with mplayer the
$ mplayer dvd:// -alang en -stop-xscreensaver 
worked till the movie finished.  
In Fedora Core 5 and the new inclusion of
gnome-screensaver, this also worked.  However, with
Core 6, mplayer plays the movie but dpms kicks in and
blanks the screen.  How can I tell dpms not to kick in
and allow mplayer to play the complete movie without
blanking the screen?

I have tried to use
$ xset -dpms and
$ xset dpms off but
Power Savings kicks in and monitor blanks after 2
minutes.  I do not want to disable power savings on in
Gnome Power Manager.  I want to find a viable
solution.  Thank you for your time and advice.  



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