Enough, already!

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Fri Nov 10 16:20:51 UTC 2006

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

>> Do you work for nVidia too then?


>> I think Kim has a point

> No, he does not have a point because 

Yeah he has a point.  I have run the nVidia binary on a box before this 
laptop and it was a PITA handling kernel updates.  I have also run the 
same box with nv, it is zero hassle.  I wouldn't've quite dealt with my 
complaints like Kim did but I could have written a nice rant about it 
along the same lines against a binary blob,  Yow in fact I did:


> To make the assertion that Nvidia's decision is arbitrary is flat out
> stupid.  You are basically saying that they flipped a coin as to wether

No.  I am saying they made a choice to starve the nv driver of what is 
in their binary blob.  Which they alone have source for and can donate 
to the open source nv driver.


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