Mounting USB devices with stable names

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at
Fri Nov 10 20:13:12 UTC 2006

Mike McCarty wrote:
> Robin Laing wrote:
>>Mike McCarty wrote:
> [that he has device naming problems]
>>>In any case, would some please give me advice on how to handle
>>>the "floating" USB devices?
>>>Thanks very muchly for your time.
>>I label all my devices when I format them.  They then mount as 
>>/media/{label name}.
> You label your cameras and printers when you format them?
Oops, I should have said cards and hard drives.  All my USB devices are 
either cards or hard drives.  I take the card out of my camera as it 
doesn't drain the batteries then.

The only time I look at /dev/{names} is if I am troubleshooting things.

>>Heck, I the same name comes up on Mac's as well.  I would have to ask my 
>>wife or daughter.
>>All my SD cards and USB sticks are named so I know which is which if I 
>>have more than one plugged in at a time.
> That doesn't fix the fact that /etc/fstab has to point to a device
> name, and that is a moving target. Sometimes I have to mount /dev/sda1
> and sometimes /dev/sde1 and sometimes /dev/sdf1 for the same physical
> device.
> Mike

I look at the mount point to work with.  In my case, all my cards or 
HD's will mount under media with the name they are labeled with.  Thus 
my work HD comes up with my section and my name every time.

My work thumb drives do the same thing.

Robin Laing

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