Does the SEARCH function work OK in FC6?

Steven Stern subscribed-lists at
Sat Nov 11 18:15:24 UTC 2006

M Daniel R Magarzo wrote:
> I don't know why, but it seems to me it's not working normally.
> Whichever I put as string to find, it tells me always the same, nothing
> found. Actually, it never finds anything!
> The same happens when launching Beagle directly. :-( 
> Has someone experienced something similar (FC6)?
> Thanks in advance,
> Daniel

beagled is running on my system, but

   beagle-info --status

just hangs most of the time and my home directory and the other
directories I've listed in the indexing preferences don't seem to have
been indexed.

If I manually kill the autostarted beagled and run it from the command
line, then beagle-info will show that indexing is scheduled to take
place in the near future, but it never seems to happen and subsequent
beagle-info checks also hang.



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