Next problem, maybe hotplug?

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Sun Nov 12 06:46:59 UTC 2006

Greetings all;

What do I have to put into my /etc/modprobe.conf, or in the /etc/hotplug 
directory, that will allow the kernel to detect and init the various 
ieee1394 pieces to run my Sony TVR-460 digital hi-8 movie camera?

Right now I have this in an lsmod:
ieee1394              301081  3 raw1394,dv1394,ohci1394
which IIRC is what my lappy loads under FC5, and with one exception 
unrelated to ieee1394, kino-0.9.2 or -0.8.0 works just fine.

But I can start a "tail -f /var/log/messages" and nothing happens when I 
plug in the firewire cable and turn this camera on.  And of course kino 
cannot find it to control it.

And this is not the xen kernel, its the regular one. :)

Cheers, Gene

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