FC6: Things segfaulting all over

Vijay Gill vijay.s.gill at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 10:35:17 UTC 2006

> Yikes!  Well if it was something like heat you would be getting errors
> from all around, not just in the same place (I assume it is also in
> presets.c).  Is it not possible that the segfaults belong only to that
> piece of code and that compiler?  In this case it can just be a gcc bug.
> I guess I would start #if 0 -ing out chunks of presets.c (if it is
> indeed dying in the same place) and see what I need to make a segfault,
> maybe this can give a clue.
> -Andy

It is so random. Last night Firefox just vanished while running. I
started it from command line and then it did not crash at all. I
opened my gallery website which contains a lot of thumbnails (just to
increase memory usage of firefox) and it handled it well. No crash.
There was one kernel panic on friday evening (my wife used the reset
button to reboot) so I don't know what the error message was.

Could hard disk be a problem? As I am writing this mail, I have
started a SMART self test (long) on the hda.


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