FC6 ACPI issues...

Andrea Mastellone andrea.mastellone at fastwebnet.it
Mon Nov 13 11:24:03 UTC 2006

Hi everyone,

I have installed FC6 on my laptop (Pentium M with 915 chipset and
integrated graphics). Almost everything works fine (compiz runs greatly
since there is Intel graphics...). There are some minor issues, perhaps
someone here knows them:

- ondemand governor: this governor should vary dynamically the cpu
frequency based on the current load. In my system, ondemand puts always
the cpu at the maximum available frequency when on AC. Oddly, when I go
to battery, sometimes the ondemand governor works correctly. This with
all the FC6 kernels (in FC5 the ondmeand worked always greatly !).

- suspend issue: the laptop does not resume after suspend to ram. Not
only the video, but the keyboard also becomes unavailable, since, if I
try to press ctrl-alt-f1 and ctrl-alt-canc to force the textual mode and
then the reboot, nothings happens. In your opionion, can I try to add
the option "acpi_sleep=s3_bios" in the kernel line command in grub.conf
? Or can I try the suspend 2 packages (however, this seems devoted to
the hibernation, that works fine instead...) ?

Thanks in advance,


"Homo sum, nihil humani alienum a me puto." (Terenzio).
"Il vero io è quello che tu sei, non quello che hanno fatto di te." (P.

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