chicken and egg problem?

Steve Searle steve at
Mon Nov 13 20:58:56 UTC 2006

Around 02:28pm on Monday, November 13, 2006 (UK time), Mark Haney scrawled:

> The only real issues with 64-bit is that the common browser plugins 
> (Flash being the biggest), don't work with 64-bit.  You've got two 
> options, either run the 32-bit binary browser for when you need the 
> plugins, or there is an app called nspluginwrapper that will allow you 
> to wrap 32-bit plgins into a 64-bit browser.  Either option works pretty 
> well, but I'm getting partial to the plugin wrapper.

I battled to try and get Flash working on a 64bit install.  I got
nspluginwrapper to run, but not to produce sound.  Eventually gave up
and switched back to 32 bit Fedora (FC5).

> As for running the 32-bit version of linux, you'd lose a ton of 
> performance if you did, IMHO.

I noticed no difference in performance.  I am sure there is probably
some, but think describing this as "a ton of performance" is wrong.

This was FC5 on a AMD Atholon 3200+, btw.



A:  Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q:  Why is top-posting a bad thing?

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