What happened to SSH?

Mike mike at atn-networks.nl
Tue Nov 14 15:32:03 UTC 2006

Found this on the net:

It's because :: is IPv6 address, and this is what SSH binds to when it 
first start's, being that IPv4 is also enabled, when it tries to bind to 
the IPv4 address, it find's that it is already being used.

Possibly disable IPv6 support in kernel (?) or use the ListenAddress 
option in your SSHD server config file.

If you're not using IPv6, just disable it in sshd_config:

#ListenAddress ::

(or bind the ListenAddress to a specific IP)


ATN Networks
Dirk de Derdelaan 215
url: www.atn-networks.nl
mail: mike at atn-networks.nl
mobiel: 06 - 28 11 49 91

Voor al uw hostinggebonden oplossingen

Ashley M. Kirchner schreef:
>    Something happened after the last openssh update.  Now every time 
> ssh is (re)started, I get this message in my syslog:
> Nov 14 08:16:57 lansky sshd[1760]: Server listening on :: port 22.
> Nov 14 08:16:57 lansky sshd[1760]: error: Bind to port 22 on 
> failed: Address already in use.
>    That was after a server restart this morning (to boot up the new 
> 2239 kernel).  The thing is, it does start up, it does run.  And I can 
> shut it down completely (service sshd stop) and I can verify that no 
> ssh process is running and that there's nothing listening on port 22 
> ('nmap -sS localhost' and by actually trying to connect to port 22 
> with another machine).  Yet when I tell it to start ssh again, it 
> starts, but not after complaining with the above message.
>    Soooo, inquiring minds want to know.

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