Format and write to a DVD-RW

Bruno Wolff III bruno at
Tue Nov 14 17:21:11 UTC 2006

On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 16:07:03 +0000,
  Scott van Looy <scott at> wrote:
> Yep, blame America for that one. Most drives are, however, flashable to 
> make them region free.

People should note that region free is really just another region and
some DVDs do stuff so that things don't work well when you are using that
special region. If you really want to watch stuff in multiple regions that is
usually firmware available that resets the region change limit each time you
change the region.

It's not an accident that DVD players have maintenance codes that just happen
to get leaked to the net. Supporting companies that do this sends a message
to the ones that don't.

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