Fedora Coverstory in Linux Format

David G. Miller dave at davenjudy.org
Thu Nov 16 15:00:16 UTC 2006

"Ian Malone" <ibmalone at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2. Anaconda apparently doesn't allow partitioning of discs
>    (?!!!, either something has changed since FC5 or they
>     couldn't find the feature, in which case it needs to be
>     easier to find doesn't it?)
I guess it was all in my imagination when I tweaked the partitioning on 
my laptop when I installed FC6.  The partitioning installation page 
gives you choices like: take over that hard disk, keep existing 
partitioning or "custom partitioning."  Only if you select "custom 
partitioning" does the installer give you a chance to screw things up 
with disk druid if you don't know what you're doing. 

I'd say it's a feature.


Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
-- Ambrose Bierce

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