Banshee segfaults reading a collection over NFS

Andrew Barr andrew.james.barr at
Fri Nov 17 19:47:15 UTC 2006

This is driving me insane.

I installed Fedora Core 6 x86_64 on my Core 2 Duo desktop box and I'm
trying to play music using Banshee from a directory mounted over NFS.
Banshee segfaults after a while and I find the NFS folder has gone out
to lunch: I get "permission denied" trying to read it and ls -l gives me

?--------- ? ? ? ?            ? public

Absolutely *nothing* as far as permissions, size, etc. un-/Re-mounting
the folder works just fine but of course this is not an acceptable
solution. This shows up in the kernel log:

banshee[3361]: segfault at 00000000000000e0 rip 000000000048f700 rsp
000000004316ba10 error 4

SELinux is turned off (I turned it off trying to fix this) and this
machine is on a trusted network behind a NAT gateway so it has no

Help would be greatly appreciated.


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