backing up with dd fails

Tony Nelson tonynelson at
Mon Nov 20 19:33:32 UTC 2006

At 7:02 AM -0700 11/20/06, Kevin Kempter wrote:
>Hi list;
>I've recently returned to Fedora from SuSE. With SuSE I would always backup my
>main laptop hard drive to a second drive via dd as follows:
>1) boot into single user mode (init 1)
>2) run dd if=/dev/SRC of=/dev/TARGET conv=noerror,sync bs=4k    #where SRC =
>my current OS drive and TARGET = the backup drive
>I tried this yesterday with my new FC6 install. It from about 7:30pm until
>7:00am and I saw a message on the screen, something like this:
>Firmware error detected, ipw2200, restarting
>Any thoughts? I suspect 12 hours is way too slow for a dd of a 100G drive.
>With SuSE it took about 3 hours (not that I would ever consider returning to
>the new M$ SuSE)

DMA?  As root, "hdparm /dev/whatever".  Does the grub kernel boot line
contain "ide=nodma"?
TonyN.:'    The Great Writ     <mailto:tonynelson at>
      '      is no more.             <>

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