Ho to Encrypt specific local files? Try fuse-encfs

Mail List lists at sapience.com
Tue Nov 21 03:25:59 UTC 2006

On Monday 20 November 2006 08:00, Ingemar Nilsson wrote:
> "Peter Gordon" <peter at thecodergeek.com> writes:

   Have you considered using encrypted file system such as fuse-encfs. Its 
quite easy - If you wish to try it you can do the following:

 To use encfs:

  [as root]
  # yum install fuse-encfs

  [as user create a place to hold the encrypted files
   and a 'mount' point to see the decrypted visible versions of same]

  % mkdir -p ~/Private/.encrypted ~/Private/visible

  [Now set up a password to encrypt/decrypt]
   Remember it. At the prompt type 'p' for preconfigured mode, then it 
   will ask for a password]

  % encfs ~/Private/.encrypted ~/Private/visible

   Use ~/Private/visible - whatever goes in there will
   look normal, but will actually be stored encrypted
   in ~/Private/.encrypted

   No just do whatever you want in ~/Private/visible - it will be encrypted - 
you can make subdirs and whatever you normally do ..
  To ensure this is shutoff (unmounted) when you logogg in kde
  put this script in ~/.kde/shutdown
  fusermount -u ~/Private/visible

  You can confirm all is encrypted by unmounting and seeing visible is now 
empty - all you see is the encrypted data in ~/Private/.encrypted 


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