Unable to install bind-chroot on FC6

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Wed Nov 22 07:39:11 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-11-21 at 09:50 -0500, Steven Stromer wrote:
> yum list bind-config does not return any results in either my FC4 or  
> FC6 installs.
> caching-nameserver installs a similar, but different set of files  
> than a standard authoritative nameserver expects, from my comparisons.

Upon reflection, I remember that they were the same package.  There was
a brief name change, or it was proposed, to bind-config, which was
argued against and rejected.

What are the differences?  They'd both need root servers.  They both
could have local (LAN) addresses preloaded (localhost, localdomain,
etc.), though it wouldn't be required (users could add such things, if
they wanted).  The differences I can think of would be whether the
server responded to queries other than for its own domains, and whether
it'll refer to other servers for things it can't answer by itself.

(Currently testing FC5, but still running FC4, if that's important.)

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