Metrics and your privacy

William Case billlinux at
Wed Nov 22 09:45:30 UTC 2006


I like Fedora.  I am willing to help anyway I can.  Send me a survey.

On Tue, 2006-11-21 at 21:39 -0600, Mike McGrath wrote:
> So we're looking for better ways to find out exactly who is out there
> and what Fedora is being used for.  I've been compiling thoughts and
> ideas on a metrics site.  Please take a look and comment.  What are
> you, the community, most comfortable with?  Where's the line where
> you'd check the check box to not participate?
>            -Mike

This information is easy to obtain, but the answer doesn't lie in
technology, or raw counts.

How much time and money do you have to get the answers you need?  Talk
to a major public opinion polling firm (i.e. One that polls for consumer
products).  They will show you how to design a form to get the most
amount of valid information.  They will show you how to get a truly
representative sample of the Fedora universe, how to statistically
adjust raw data to more accurately reflect Fedora users and how to
conduct verifying surveys.  Since public opinion surveys are a
combination of statistics and the black arts, you need someone with the
skills.  Hence, how much money have you got?

Regards Bill

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