Metrics and your privacy

James Wilkinson fedora at
Wed Nov 22 17:46:22 UTC 2006

I wrote:
> On a related subject -- may I propose that the standard Fedora web
> browser home page (which is common to l*nx, Firefox, Konqueror and other
> web browsers) as distributed in ISO images points users to the need to
> upgrade ("Welcome to Fedora. Please upgrade now! Here's how."), and that
> this is replaced 

I evidently hit "send" too quickly.

... that this page is replaced as the first update of a new Fedora
release. So users will see this each time they use a web browser until
they update.


E-mail:     james@ | "The Aldis lamp was developed to flash Morse Code | instructions between ships, with the result that one
                   | foggy night in December, a British destroyer found itself
                   | taking orders from the Bismarck's Christmas disco lights,
                   | and set off to attack the YMCA."  -- "ISIHAC", BBC R4

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