FC5 - yum update problems - second try

Aaron Konstam akonstam at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 23 14:49:43 UTC 2006

I will try again since I did not get any answers the first time.

In doing a yum update on my FC5 machine I received the following errors:
Error: Missing Dependency: libiso9660.so.4(ISO9660_4) is needed by
package vcdimager
Error: Missing Dependency: libcdio.so.6 is needed by package vcdimager
Error: Missing Dependency: libcdio.so.6(CDIO_6) is needed by package
Error: Missing Dependency: libiso9660.so.4 is needed by package
Error: Missing Dependency: xine-lib(vdr) >= 0.7.6 is needed by package

Well starting in reverse order I have xine-lib-1.1.2 installed which
seems to be constant with the >=0.7.6 demand. Why did I get an error?

Where are the dependencies for vcdimager supposed to come from?

Going further I ran:
yum --exclude="xine*" --exclude="vcdimager" update

I got exactly the same errors. Putting the excludes in the yum.conf file
made no difference.

Can anyone explain this behavior? 

Aaron Konstam <akonstam at sbcglobal.net>

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