Q re daemons

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Fri Nov 24 01:48:49 UTC 2006

On Thursday 23 November 2006 20:37, Thierry Sayegh De Bellis wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>> Greetings;
>> In surveying the system looking for do nothing processes, I find one
>> thats quite low in its position at the feeding trough, but it has no
>> manpage either. Things that are runnning that have no visible
>> documented job make me nervous.
>> So can anyone tell me what 'audispd' is and does?  And how, if its not
>> doing anything usefull, can I reliably kill it so that its not
>> restarted at the next reboot?
>Seems to be part of audit and hence be usefull with SELinux. Someone
>will probably be able to confirm but a simple text search in the wiki
>returns this:
Thanks,  I didn't dig very deep there, but I also read it as it sits 
in /sbin, its a script, and I can see its something to do with 
networking, or appears to be, so I'll leave that one alone.

I'm still looking for whatever it is thats sending me a junk email for 
everytime incoming messages are scanned for tokens, whatever the heck 
that is.  If I rx'd an email on every poll of the servers, I'd get 960 of 
these things a day.  As it is, it ranges up to the 400 count on a busy 
day.  Its gotten well past the funny stage.  Particularly when no one 
seems to have a clue whats doing it because the headers on the message 
are blank.  All of them!

>(o<    Thierry Sayegh de Bellis, RHCE
>//\    http://glossolalie.com
>V_/_   Fingerprint: 9976 11FE D9C6 8C67 6242 7BB1 6466 3F1D 56ED 7D5A

Cheers, Gene
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Copyright 2006 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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