Desktop effects really slow

Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu m3freak at
Sat Nov 25 07:40:04 UTC 2006


I upgraded my Dell D800 from a FC5 to FC6 (fresh install).  There were a
few problems, but I was expecting them, so the install/initial configure
wasn't too bad.

Anyway, thought I'd give the fancy AIGLX stuff a try, so I enabled the
Desktop Effects.  Looks like it worked, but compiz is damn slow.  My
laptop isn't brand spanking new, but the specs aren't too bad:

CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1600MHz
Video: GeForce4 Ti 4200 Go AGP, 32MB

Is my laptop just too wimpy, or is something else wrong?

FYI: I tried out XGL or AIGLX or whatever in FC4, and back then
performance was okay.  The desktop was usable, even with the 3D effects
enabled.  I must be missing something.



Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu
Linux 2.6.18-1.2849.fc6 i686 GNU/Linux 
01:40:31 up 42 min, 0 users, load average: 0.24, 0.48, 0.41 

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