VDQ FC6 : GUI for permissions??

Beartooth Beartooth at swva.net
Sat Nov 25 15:18:59 UTC 2006

To make space, I want to move a couple of old backup
 files, preferably as user btth rather than as root.
        I want to move them from /home/btth to /opt -- and I'd
 rather use the FC6 GUI method (in conjunction with the new Disk
 Usage Analyzer in the FC6 Gnome GUI).
        To do that that way, without logging out and then back in
 as root, afaik, I need user btth to have permission to write to
        Since I rarely have occasion to change permissions, that
 means slogging through *several* man pages that come up when you
 tell Konqueror "man:chmod"
        Ten to one there's an easier way. I'm thinking, for
 instance, if I go into Users&Groups through the GUI, and add
 btth to some group that has write permission to /opt, that might
 do it -- maybe ..?? But what group??

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Fedora Core 6; CXO 5.0.1; Pine 4.64, Pan 0.119; Privoxy 3.0.3;
Dillo 0.8.6, Galeon 2.0.3, Epiphany 2.16, Opera 9.02, Firefox 1.5
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.

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