amandas group membership in FC6?

David G. Miller dave at
Sat Nov 25 16:05:49 UTC 2006

Gene Heskett <gene.heskett at> wrote:

> Greetings;
> Despite the fact that the user 'amanda' is a member of the group 'disk',
> all compilations and new files generated by the user amanda seem to be
> owned by amanda:amanda instead of the expected amanda:disk.
> The end result is that many of my backup operations are failing because
> the amanda utility doesn't have perms to delete or write to files
> actually owned by amanda:disk.
> I just went thru all the directory trees amanda needs to access and
> chowned everything back the way its supposed to be, but then I built the
> 20061124 tarball just now, and everything is still owned by
> amanda:amanda.
> >From my  /etc/group file:
> disk:x:6:root,amanda
> So I blew it away, called up KUsr and verified that amanda was indeed a
> member of the group disk.  Even deleted the user and re-added it and made
> sure this new copy of amanda was a member of the group disk.
> Then as "amanda", I unpacked it again and rebuilt it, but I still have 
> the
> same problem.  Because none of the files are owned by amanda:disk, the
> end result is several megs of dead, can't do a thing code that I'd just
> as well not bother with the 'make install'.
> Anything that amanda has touched over the last 4 days since I started
> running it again has been converted to being owned by amanda:amanda, and
> if the file existed, and was to be deleted as part of the housekeeping,
> was not because the old file was owned by amanda:disk.  So my backups are
> being slowly trashed because the indice files are not updatable.
> Whats the deal with FC6 and its owner:group handling?  Am I setting up 
> the
> user wrong or what?
You probably had the default of "Create private group for user" still 
checked when you created the user.  When that's checked, the user gets 
created and the default group for the user is set to a new group with 
the same name as the user.  You should still be able to change the 
default group to "disk" for your amanda user.  I run Gnome so I can't 
help you with the details.

Dumb question: why didn't you just do a "yum install amanda 
amanda-client"?  It's much easier than building amanda and manually 
setting up the user, etc.


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